среда, 25 октября 2017 г.

Using Old Shutters in the Garden

Using Old Shutters in the Garden

[clickToTweet tweet=”Use old shutters to add interest to your garden – hang them from your fence and plant with clematis or climbing roses” quote=”Use old shutters to add interest to your garden.”] Old shutters can be seen being used both indoors and out right now. We have a bunch of old shutters from our rental property that weren’t being used.

shutter privacy screen

To create a privacy screen, I secured the shutters together with old hinges that I found in my stash. And I hung a bottle secured with wire from each panel. In the photo above, I quickly placed some tulips from the garden. It worked really well to give us some privacy from our neighbours as are yards are only divided by a chain link fence. But over time, they started to wear out and the hinges became unhinged (sorry for the pun).

butterfly bush, heliopsis

The new fence bordering the back of the property is one long line of boring wood. We took the three sets of shutters that were originally the privacy screen and attached them individually to the fence panels. This adds a bit of whimsy to my secret garden.

old shutters in the garden

If you wanted, you could repaint the shutters to add some extra colour – I see a bright blue inspired by Greek roofs. We left ours the original green to set off the plants growing in front like the Tiger Eye sumac….

shutters in the garden

Original article and pictures take www.newhousenewhomenewlife.com site

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